Can we actually move marketing from the cost line of the financials to the revenue line? Peter Drucker states that the purpose of marketing is to get and keep a customer. That’s the why, and it hasn’t changed since…well…forever. But how do we get there?
Most global organizations develop their marketing departments to maximize reach and frequency, and then describe the value of our products and services. This is a failed model and needs to be killed. What if we could create a marketing function that creates so much value for our audiences and consumers that it actually begins to pay for itself? In this entertaining presentation, Content Marketing Institute founder will detail how you can transform your marketing organization into a true profit center.
Banking executives will learn:
- Create valuable subscribers that opt-in to your content.
- Develop a content destination as an asset for the organization.
- Monetize the content asset and generate direct and indirect revenues.
- Take the steps necessary to start this change in your company