Building a Powerful Cross-Selling Program

Premiered: 2021-08-19
Length: 48 minutes

The typical customer with just one product will stay with their financial institution for only 18 months. But simply adding a second product extends that relationship to four years. And yet financial institutions miss opportunities to retain customers every day.

By incorporating a personalized, human touch to digital interactions, banks and credit unions can consistently outperform their peers and provide stronger — and more profitable — relationships with customers. Learn how to create a digital, data-driven strategy that incorporates personalization techniques that drive loyalty and generate cross-selling opportunities.

Banking executives will learn:

  • How to become customer-centric and successfully make the shift from a purely product/sales focused marketing strategy
  • How to reach people across various points in their “life cycle” — from awareness to purchase, retention and advocacy
  • How to build meaningful dialogue with consumers and create more honest relationships
  • How to curate killer content from the your website, social media and other digital properties to create relevant digital experiences
  • How to personalize interactions that maximize relevance and eliminate communications overload