There are few financial institutions that don’t track or measure their customer experience. And most executives in the banking industry know CX strategies need to be integrated into their strategic plans to accomplish their growth goals. But they don’t. The trouble is that most traditional institutions just aren’t comfortable in a banking landscape that has become increasingly digital.
Two out of five retail banking customers today are digital-centric, which presents real problems for banking providers — e.g., lower levels of engagement, satisfaction and loyalty. This session will show you how to overcome these challenges by linking three critical concepts together in your CX strategy: life stage, convenience and brand reputation.
Banking executives will learn:
- What digital-centric consumers want from their banking provider
- The difference between today’s branch-centric vs. digital-centric consumers, and how to attract more of both
- The top reasons people — particularly Millennials — switch banks
- How to identify and target those most likely to switch banks in the next 12 months
- How to take your CX strategy to the next level and move past beyond “”data” that simply measures and quantifies the experience you deliver.
- Ten critical 10 CX measurements and KPIs you need to integrate into your strategy