Innovating to Create Tangible Business Value

Premiered: 2021-08-19
Length: 39 minutes

Many of the biggest and best ideas around Citizens Bank of Edmond don’t come from the boardroom. They come from food trucks, coffee shops and social media. With a marketing budget of less than $80,000, Citizens Bank of Edmond has found the secret sauce when it comes to leveraging the digital world and building a true sense of community.

Learn how this small bank with only $270 million in assets has developed cost-conscious and forward-thinking programs that create huge results for both customers and the community alike.

Banking executives will learn:

  • How to create your own disruption and build a culture where you fail forward
  • Why you must always be true to your roots, stay engaged and be opportunistic
  • Why it’s so crucial to be accessible and open, respond to community concerns
  • How to turn your loudest critics into your biggest cheerleaders