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Forum 2024
Registration Form

Don’t Delay! You must register by April 4th to save and get a Gold Pass upgrade!

Registering a Group? To sign up multiple attendees, press the “Add New Participant” button after completing your first registration. Click here for more info on group rates.

Need Help? Have Questions? Please call our Attendee Concierge at 206-661-5070 or send us an email. You can also check out our FAQs.

Ticket Prices

Past Attendees Banks & Credit Unions
Winter Discount
(ended Feb. 22, 2024)
$2,295 $2,495
Final Discount
(ended April 4, 2024)
$2,495 $2,695
Standard Rate
(Ends soon!)
$2,995 $2,795
Groups of 3+
(ends April 30, 2024)
$1,995 per person
Vendors, Suppliers & Others $2,995

Request Alumni Discount Code

Past attendees save an additional $200.00. To request your code, please send us an email or call our Attendee Concierge at 206-661-5070.

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Please note: All discounts apply only to attendees who work at banks and credit unions. Alumni discounts do not apply to group rates. Speaker restrictions or technical difficulties during the event may prevent a small number of presentations from being included in the final compilation of videos. All attendees agree to the event Terms & Conditions, including our Code of Conduct, Privacy Policy, and Health Safety & Wellness guidelines. If you are unable to attend, you can send a substitute. Or if you cancel in writing by March 7, 2024, you can receive a full refund. After that date, there is a $500.00 fee per registrant. To cancel, please send an email to our Attendee Concierge.